Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Did Barack Obama Get Elected?

The question of the century. How did Obama get elected? Speculation that mainstream media played a major role in the election of this most unlikely candidate is gaining weight. My contention is that no matter who the candidate was, with the mainstream media controlling the news feed of the majority of American people, the outcome is stacked.

On the surface we can easily identify the major players orchestrating this campaign. Names like Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, David Geffen will be easily attached to the Obama machine. Other key players will also be identified and their roles discussed.It isn't that the opponent, John McCain, ran such a bad campaign or was a weak candidate. But, without media support, the masses of zombie-like voting Americans who live their lives through their TVs knew nothing except Obama good, McCain bad without actually knowing anything more about either of the candidates.

On cue, but seemingly being ignored, was the 'October surprise' which rocked the financial foundations of America. The 'drive-by' media played it's key role in leading the uninformed mass of 'zombies' into thinking that the Republican party was responsible for the nation's huge financial crisis. The fact that the Democratic party had controlled the congress for the last two years and that the basis for the crisis was born of liberal programs set into motion by former President Jimmy Carter and Democratic Senators like Barney Frank was completely unreported. In conjunction, the oil prices which had been steadily increasing for over a year now suddenly plummeted as soon as the election was over. Coincidence? I say not! But, who would have such power over the world market to command such control?

Under the surface we can only speculate whether or not there are darker, deeper players at work. Creatures with the financial muscle to control world markets and sway the minds of men with money. For what purpose would such a creature want in destroying America? What does America represent that would cause such a sinister plot to need conception?

Obama stated that "America is not a Christian nation..." early in his campaign. The world sees America as a Christian nation. The majority of Americans see themselves as Christians - whether or not they are, that is another discussion. Is Obama more than a morally deficient man? Is his thirst for the death of innocents more than just a shallow, immoral political viewpoint? Is it just coincidence that the number 666 came up as the Illinois lottery pick the day that Obama was confirmed the president elect? Is evil truly alive and well and soon to be residing in the White House?

The Bible tells of a king who God raised up to destroy Israel as punishment for His people had turned away from Him and were worshipping other gods. Israel was destroyed. Only a remnant remained. If we fail to learn from history the mistakes that were made and the consequences paid, we are in danger of repeating those same mistakes and paying the consequences.

America's sewers run red with the blood of our murdered children. For whatever reasons, all of those reasons have nothing to do with worshipping God. America was founded upon the principles and truths of God's word, the Bible. He shall not be mocked.

Maybe, this is how Obama got elected - God has raised up an enemy to destroy His people for they have turned away from Him to worship other god's - money, sex, power - and even have spilt the blood of their own children as a sacrifice.

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