This product "speaks in defense of the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty. It issues a clarion call to Christians to adhere firmly to their convictions in these three areas".
The sodomite organization called made the complaint that the Apple App, The Manhattan Declaration, was promoting good, moral God-centered family values and found that to be very offensive to their sinful, sons-of-Satan sodomy loving life styles.

"Late last week, Apple quietly removed the Manhattan Declaration app, which had been available since mid-October, after an online petition was circulated calling the app a "hate fest" and saying that the Manhattan Declaration pushes "hateful and divisive language." The petition, which originated on, wished to tell Apple "that supporting homophobia and efforts to restrict choice is bad business."" SOURCE: FOXNATION
1 comment:
I hadn't realized that Apple/Mac products were produced by such a morally bankrupt corportation that openly promotes filth! Shocking!
Here is what appears to be a sodomite bashing Microsoft for not supporting homosexual legislation in NY and, in conclusion, he threatens to jump ship to Apple or Linux (the Red Hatted Penguin) which are apparently big gay promo machines?
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