Friday, January 9, 2009

Father Richard John Neuhaus - Pro Life champion

"On pro-abortion commencement speakers: “Who, me? It is exceedingly tiresome when college and university administrators protest that they don’t do what they so obviously do do. While effusively affirming their devotion to their ‘Catholic identity,’ they deny it by the most egregious of actions...Few things can constitute a more explicit, in-your-face, denial of Catholic seriousness than the choice of pro-abortion commencement speakers.” (First Things, August/September 1999)" Father Richard John Neuhaus From Catholic Online Catholic PRWire

I wonder, could pseudo Evangelical preachers be injected in what things Neuhaus found to be exceedingly tiresome? The likes of the purpose driven porn pastor, Rick Warren, is a supreme example of the denial of Catholic (Christian, alike) seriousness.

This champion of the rights for the yet born, Father Richard John Neuhaus, will be greatly missed.

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