In response to a blog in Christianity Today at I wrote the following knowing full well that my words will be critiqued as harsh, unChrist-like, radical fundamentalistic, and hypocritical. That is fine with me. For those uttering such rubbish are not those that I would want to count on to save me from the hand of a madman if one were ever to bring an instrument of death to my person to murder me as the innocent tiny people are even within their own mother's wombs. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We are His church. We are to protect the innocent... not just sit there and pray as blood is spilled before our eyes.
"As the madman approaches the innocent child with an instrument of death, do you 'people of God' just stand there and pray? As the madman approaches YOUR innocent child with an instrument of death, do YOU just stand there and pray? Is that what Jesus would do? Just stand there and pray? That is not the Jesus of the Bible that I know. The Jesus I know takes action! He spoke and commanded the evil spirits out. He spoke and the waves were calmed. He spoke the truth of God's word and the enemy left. Jesus took action! He stood before the madmen with their instruments of death and drew a line in the dirt. Jesus does more than just offer lip service. He makes a whip out of cords and destroys the tables of inequity! He commands us to bring the good news to a lost and dying world and to take action to defend the weak. Not to stand idly by while the innocent are slaughtered. Do it. Pray! Take action. Draw a line. Crack a whip. Overturn the ungodly tables. Speak out against this great evil called abortion!
Yes! Pray for Obama to repent. Yes! Pray for the liberal madmen leading this nation over the cliff to change their ungodly ways. Absolutely, Pray! But, do not support their evil deeds, their wicked plans, their ungodly course. Speak! Draw a line! Do something to protect these innocent tiny people created in God's image.
Tolerating evil in the guise of 'taking the higher road' is an ungodly act of omission. This very act of tolerance has become rampant within the church body - gay church leaders, molestation of children, tolerant views on abortion, supporting the election of radical, ungodly people. Call me radical, but, I say this is what God meant when He vomits the lukewarm church out of His holy mouth."
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