"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Mat 6:24
It is disturbing that some who claim God's high calling in Christ Jesus are okay with voting for a pro-murder candidate! Abortion is murder; it is not really the act of aborting when an innocent life is destroyed; it is really murder - really, think about it... murder!
What possible excuse could anybody have to cut a little person to pieces with scissors; burn to death with an extreme salt solution; pull from his or her mother's womb feet first, have a sharp instrument thrust into the base of the skull scrambling the brain, and then sucking the little ones skull empty with a vacuum!? Or, what justification is there to leave a little person who survives a botched abortion in a dirty linen closet to die alone and unloved?
Either you serve God or you don't. Either you vote for life or you vote for murder. What kind of people are we that this election year might elect into office a monster who murders helpless innocent little people? Examine his record - Examine yourself - Go vote pro life!
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