Monday, November 10, 2008

Support Obama? Pray for Obama.

Our nation needs to pray for Obama to repent for his sinful position on murdering our innocent babies. Where has the moral compass of this once God fearing country gone? Where are our family values? Where is Mr Graham's backbone? Support Obama? Not until he is on his knees giving his life to Jesus Christ on national television! I will not stand idly by while 4,000 innocents are slaughtered daily in America, the once beautiful. Today, Obama pledges to use executive order when he gets into office to lift the ban on fetal stem cell research - tiny people are being murdered! ... and, we are to support this? NO! We are not! The Bible clearly instructs us not to bow down to a false God nor to obey the laws of man if they directly contradict God. NO SUPPORT FOR OBAMA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Notswift...I couldn't agree with you more and then some. How could Anyone have voted in this man? Christians...Did they not do any reasearch ??? But then again you wouldn't have had to look hard at all to see where he stands on moral issues.His own words told that story...Therefore if you SAY you are a follower of Christ I strongly suggest you need to repent of this deed or that you are not really one of HIS.