Saturday, December 6, 2008

Newsflash - Jesus Votes For Obama!

Who raised up Obama?
Seemingly, only by a miracle could such a man be elected -

  • Unknown (not even an original birth certificate - yet)
  • Under qualified (no executive experience at all - nothing)
  • Disqualified (with his known alliances with convicted terrorists and radical racists he could not even pass a test to become his own body guard)
  • Anti-Christian (pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage, pro-socialist - yes, capitalism is a God created economy and America is a Christian nation... contrary to Obama's opinion)

Let us not forget who turned water into wine. Obama presiding over a Christian nation? Nebuchadnezzar presided over Judah! And, God put both of these wicked men in their place of power. God is in control - always. There was a good, godly purpose for such an ungodly man as Nebuchadnezzar to 'clean house' in Judah. There is a good, godly purpose for such an ungodly man as Obama to lead America to her destruction.

I wonder, were I to walk with Jesus on election day to the voting booth would I be able to look Him in the eye and say to my Lord, "I am voting for Obama. I know he will approve the murder of innocent babies and the marriage of homosexual people , but, I want change."
I wonder, would He reply to me, "I am voting for Obama, too. In fact, I have raised Him up to bring this wicked people to their desired destruction. This generation has worshipped Me in vain by lifting up men seeking a profit in My name upon their pulpit; women pastors seeking power as preachers of my Holy word; gay ministers seeking to twist the truth of My word within the church."

Click here to read on

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